

Best Answer

I've left a link below for you to check out. They have a few different superhero accessories that you can mix and match to make your own costume - Check the accessories department and browse a lot of them and you'll find tons of creative combinations.

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Q: Where can one find an online store that offers non-commercial superhero costume pieces so that you can create your own superhero costume?
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Creating your own costume is an awesome way to get ready for Halloween! Here are two excellent websites with instructions for making a Knight costume. The youtube video offers detailed instructions which can watch and see exactly how to create your project and the ehow site offers step by step instructions as well.

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A famous UK costume store is Escapade. The costume store Escapade offers a plethora of costuming options from children to adult. Some of Escapade's costumes include a Princess Leia slave girl outfit as well as a Superman costume.

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Costume Craze, as its name suggests, sells costumes of all types for men, women and children, even pets. It also offers costume accessories, props, and party supplies such as decorations and favors.

Where can I find a Harley Quinn costume?

Costume craze offers a Harley Quinn costume here: as well as Etsy. To view the options with Etsy click here:

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Family Fun Magazine offers some great Halloween costume ideas. They offer individual costume ideas or ideas you can use for the whole family!

Where can I buy a cheap costume that looks cool but is cheap?

You could make your own Halloween costume if you are creative. The following website offers cheap Halloween costumes:

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Where can I buy a pumpkin costume?

Being a pumpkin for Halloween is a popular, inexpensive costume. This website offers pumpkin costumes: Many retail stores, including Target and Wal-Mart, also offer inexpensive costumes.

Where can I find an x-man contume?

Here is a website that offers kids, teens, and adults X-men costumes: This website offers X-men costumes exclusively:

Where can I look online for some ideas for funny Halloween costumes?

The Costume Idea Zone is a great online site that offers ideas for that fun unique costume. They have an array of pictures to look at, and can give you the look you are going for.

Where can I find Halloween masks online?

Sites like ebay and craigslist offer different sorts of masks. My favorite site is "Costume Express" online. "Costume Express" offers different sorts of masks at a reasonable price.