One article states that a charity can get 6% for Christmas cards. Another states 10%. At charitychristmas cards 100% of the purchase price goes to charity.
There are many places where one can purchase Christmas place cards. Some of the places one can buy Christmas place cards are Amazon and ChristmasTimeUK.
One can purchase holiday Christmas cards at the website "Christmas Cards 411". There they offer a wide selection of Christmas cards that would fulfill a person's needs.
One can buy Hallmark Christmas Cards online from stores like Rite Aid, Target, Walmart, and CVS. They offer great deals on all holiday cards and you can even buy cards in bulk.
One can buy beach Christmas cards from various card websites and even personalize your own cards using holiday photographs as people love that personal touch.
You can find information on old Christmas cards through a wide range or charity based organizations such as the St. Jude's Ranch for Children. They are kind enough to reuse unwanted cards.
One can buy a Harley Davidson Christmas card from the Harley Davidson website. The website has an online store that Christmas cards can be purchased from.
One can purchase nautical Christmas cards from Paper Cards and Cape Annie's Lighthouse websites. Alternatively one could buy them from Zazzle or Cafe Press, as well as marine charities.
There are many places one might go to purchase Christmas cards online. One website that is very popular among consumers is the Shutterfly website that allows one to customize cards.
One can purchase large amounts of Christmas cards in the online store eBay. The lots range from 10 cards for the smaller ones, to a few hundreds for the largest ones.
You can buy christmas cartoon cards at many supermarkets, or, for higher quality/better designed cards, go to an arts and crafts shop. Alternatively, use the internet. Amazon sells christmas cards, but Ebay can sometimes sell them cheaper. If you're looking for a certain design, you can always go and create your own one, and there are some websites that let you personalize a card with images and writing.
One can purchase tropical Christmas Cards from various online websites such as Amazon or other card selling website. One could also go buy some at a nearby store.