You can purchase adult tricycles from stores such as Walmart. Alternatively, you can also purchase adult tricycles online from retailers such as Amazon.
Either on eBay,amazon,or Toys R Us. The tricycles they use in nitro circus are trick tricycles but they don't make them anymore. If you get lucky you may find one floating around on eBay.
one tricycle has 3 cycles, so 6 tricycles should have (6x3) 18 wheels
3 2 on the back and one on the front
4 are on tricycles and 6 are on bicycles
Each tricycle has three wheels, and there are two tricycles. So: 2 tricycles x 3 wheels = 6 wheels
Unicycles have one wheel. Bicycles have two. And tricycles have three.
Each tricycle has 3 wheels, so on 3 tricycles there are a total of 9 wheels.
To buy, about a nickel, retail.
bicycles, tricycles
1 tricycle = 3 wheels so 6 tricycles = 6*3 = 18 wheels.