A good place in online-sweepstakes.com there is a category that has various kid eligible contests.
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There are several online photo contest sites. PF Magazine runs online contests regularly as does Flickr Awards. The Smithsonian Magazine also holds contests.
Information about what baby contests are, what types there are and how to enter your child or children into them can be found online at the ourcutebabies website.
The best contest site in Canada to enter free contests would greatly vary depending on the type of contest the user is interested in. Check out Canada contests online!
Writerscafe.org and allpoetry.com have many free to enter poetry contests run by their members. There are also some other free to enter poetry competitions you can find by searching online. NYLiteraryMagazine.com runs monthly free to enter poetry contests with honor awards and a chance to get published in their print magazine.
A good place in online-sweepstakes.com there is a category that has various kid eligible contests.
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Research on the Internet - depending on where you live at, there are probably annual friction writing contests. There are contests where you submit it online. Try the Scholastic Awards.
There are many websites available that run contests and sweepstakes online! The most popular websites are contests.about.com and publishersclearinghouse.com. Win big!
Community > Contests
Locally, in your state, nation wide contests, or online contests. There is an example of an online one at the related link below.