When you have a prepaid plan, you buy your minutes and then use them. Minutes are called airtime. To add air time to your prepaid cell phone, buy a card for your phone company from a store, or online. They will give you a code on the back of the card or online. You enter this code and the minutes will be credited to your phone. https://www.tracfone.com/direct/controller.block
Yes but you will need to buy a cheep prepaid one and then take the SIM CARD from that and put it in your phone. yes usually unless your phone is a smartphone then youll need to buy a new phone.
You can buy a prepaid cell phone that is flip style. Consider checking out T-Mobile Prepaid Samsung T139 Flip Phone or the Motorola W260 Prepaid Phone from Tracfone.
Cheap prepaid phone plans can be bought at nearly every electronic or cell phone store. Prepaid cell phone plans allow you to buy a certain amount of minutes within a month for a low price. Some cheap prepaid cell phone plans can be bought at a fraction of what it cost for a contract plan. Many cell phone providers allow you to keep your current number when starting a plan and provide great deals on cell phone that can be used for prepaid plans.
Buy a cheap prepaid cell phone .
There are many benefits of having a prepaid cell phone. For one, then you don't have to worry about paying for the cell phone after the end of the month or whenever you pay. Also then you have a set amount you know you have to pay.
Yes, whether through family plan, a separate plan, or one of those phones that have prepaid minutes.
Many people fear that they are spending too much on their cell phone bill, but don't know how to cut their costs down. Thanks to great cell phone prepaid plans, you are now able to cut down on your costs. By investing in a prepaid cell phone, you will still have a much-needed cell phone, and you can buy minutes in a set amount. Most plans require you to spend a certain amount per month, but pay-as-you go minutes don't. By choosing to pay as you go, you only pay for the minutes you use, so none go to waste.
Basically, there are a couple of ways prepaid cell phone plans work. You can buy minutes that you use over a period of time. Many times these minutes will be good anywhere from 30 days, all the way up to a year. Many providers will extend your minutes when you add another prepaid cell phone card. The other way, is having a regular plan that you pay for before the month starts. This is also known as pay as you go cell phone service. With either of these options you typically have to purchase a phone, but you are not tied to a provider long term.
Prepaid cell phones available in stores are a great way to get cell phone service when you don't use a phone often enough to justify a monthly bill. Unfortunately, the fine print on most of these phone recharge cards comes with time limits that may make what looks like a great deal a bad idea for you. Make sure you check the fine print that comes with your phone activation materials and alongside the prepaid cell phone cards you want to buy to make sure you don't accidentally buy more minutes than you can use before they expire.
In any store that sells cell phones. They have prepaid models. You just buy it and activate it at home. The directions are in the phone box.