I dont know where you live, but if there's a nearby store that sells toys and collectibles from Japan, you should go there and see if there's any Gloomy Bear stuff. Beware that lots of stores sell "fake" Gloomy Bear plush, for example, like the one that has a tag that says "PRIZE ONLY" Those kinds were from toy catchers in Japan, but in stores, they cost about 15 bucks. You can also tell they're fake by just looking at the claws. Real plushies have small plastic claws(they may not be suitable for little kids cuz the claws can be pointy), but fakes have big, huge, oversized plush claws. I already fell for that and didnt know it was fake until weeks later. You can go to Toys N Joys(that's where I got the fake one) or their online store:www.toysnjoys.com(they have the real ones so I suggest you go there. they also have other gloomy bear stuff!)
buy-a-gloomy.blogspot.com our gloomy are all authentic and import from Japan. Other plush available too.
Gloomy Bear
Gloomy Bear
Gloomy Bear is a Japanese character created by graphic artist Mori Chack. The character is a pink man-eating bear found in the Chax line of products. Pictures of Gloomy Bear can be found on Tumblr and videos are posted on YouTube.
yes its called a gloomy bear
yes he is. He represents parents without coffee.
Domo, Hello Kitty, Gloomy Bear, Tokidoki, Mitsubishi and Skelanimals.
You can not buy a spirit bear.
You have to have 10 Bear Credits to buy a beach house.To do this you can buy 10 Bear Credit cards at your local Build-a-Bear or buy 10 items for your bear at your local Build-a-Bear store
No, gloomy is an adjective. What a gloomy day.
You can find them here. Gloomy bear http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fs%3Fie%3DUTF8%26redirect%3Dtrue%26ref_%3Dsr%255Fnr%255Fi%255F0%26keywords%3Dgloomy%2520bear%2520%26qid%3D1261409733%26rh%3Di%253Atoys-and-games%252Ck%253Agloomy%2520bear%2520&tag=toys-game-cheap-online-boy-girl-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957
You have to buy a bear from a local build a bear workshop store or you can buy a bear online atwww.buildabearworkshop.comwith bear credits you can buy better clothes and furniture also with bear credits you can also have a cub ondo or a beach frnt home which is really cool.