There are about 268 miles between Orlando, FL and Homestead, FL.
The driving distance from Marathon, FL to Homestead, FL is 80 miles.
"Discover the opportunities"
42 miles
37.5 miles, or about 46 minutes.
Fort Lauderdale, FL is approximately 35 miles away from Homestead, FL. This distance can vary depending on the specific locations within each city that you are traveling between.
It is 121 miles according to Google Maps.
The Homestead-Miami Speedway opened on November 5, 1995.
The distance between Ft. Myers, FL and Homestead, FL is approximately 130 miles if you take I-75 S and FL-997 S. The driving time is roughly 2.5-3 hours depending on traffic.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 44 minutes.
It is 63.7 miles according to Google Maps.