Manuals for SKB shotguns are available online at the SKB site under Parts.
See the related link below.
Send me your email and I'll send you a scan of the manual. I need the owners manual for the Ithaca SKB 500 O/U shotgun. Please e mail me with a PDF file or scan at Thanks Bill
They were made in Japan by a firm called SKB.
You can find these numbers in the manual that come with your gun. They are also present on the handle of the gun.
how do i find the value of my skb 785 sporting with 28 inch ported barrels
Not familar with the 5100, but SKB makes a decent shotgun. Company has been around since the 1800s. Their guns are midrange priced, have a decent reputation.
100-500 or so
100-500 USD
sp 218748
Try on line auctions, gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops, want ad, for sale ads, garage sales, estate sales.