Gun shop, gun show, pawn shop, want ad, for sale ad, estate sale, garage sale, egunparts, Brownells, MidWay USA
Which make & model??
You need to find a gunsmith.
Try "Numrich Arms" they have a lot of used parts for vintage rifles. You can find them and their inventory on line or by phone.
These rifles are close copies of the early Winchesters. They are not worth much. Does anyone know where I can find parts???
i bought a naw cbc 22 long rifle in fla. for 46.99 in 1986
Exploded Firearms Books (soft cover) Editions 1 & 2 both have parts diagrams for this rifle and many other rifles,shotguns and pistols.
Revelation was a trade name marketed by Western Auto. If you have a model number, I may be able to cross-reference it to the manufacturer.
Check with a gunsmith. They may have access to parts for obsolete rifles thru their trade sources (which do not make retail sales).
You will have to contact the company
Books on falling block 22 rifles.
SOME parts are available from Numrich (check their website under gunpartscorp) Be advised there is an old and a new model- if in doubt, email them and check. Also SOME parts may be available from Marlin Firearms, the maker of Glenfield rifles.
where can i find replacement parts for a 22 caliber Stevens modle987