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search ebay.....

99p with 1.99 dlivey 4t gen with brocken home buton sotof

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13y ago
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15y ago

Well it depends, if it is 32 gig then i dont even think you can get those used for that much? They are 399 new, and iPod touchs are very very popular

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15y ago

Yes you can, 60, 70 quid

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15y ago

try QXL.DK or whatever

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12y ago

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Q: Where are there iPod touches for 100 dollars?
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How much do thirtytwo gigabyte ipod touches cost?

They cost approximately 500 dollars

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What are the gbs for iPod Touches?

iPod Touches come in 8GB, 32GB and 64GB.

Do all iPod Touches take video?

No. Only iPod touches 4th generation and above can record video, as these are the only iPod touches with cameras.

How much are ipod nana?

100-150 dollars

Who touches money bigger than 100 dollars?

Bank tellers

Are iPod touches breaking?

There hasn't been a rise of reported iPod Touches that broke on their own. iPod Touches do have the ability to break, but the construction is pretty sturdy to where it is not often the iPod Touch completely breaks. Although iPod Touches do break, it is not likely they will break on their own.

What is the cheapest price you can get ipod touches for?

There are many places online that you can buy iPod Touches. Traditionally the cheapest you will find the iPod touch though is around 175 dollars. As an alternative, there are several places that will allow you to get an iPod touch for free. Listed below is a website that will allow you to get an iPod touch for completely free. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's Ipod Touch not Ipod Tuch

Who has iPod touches?


Where can you buy a iPod Touch for less than 100 dollars?

no where

How much is a used iPod Nano worth?

About 100 dollars