Gaines originated from the English. It moved over to America in the 1700's. Many gaines were southern and owned slaves. So now many black people have the last name of Gaines.
The address of the Gaines Station Library is: 103 East Walker, Gaines, 48436 0095
Gaines Adams is 6' 5".
Gaines Adams's birth name is Gaines Adams IV.
Ryan Gaines's birth name is Ryan Seth Gaines.
Steve Gaines's birth name is Steve Earl Gaines.
Boyd Gaines's birth name is Boyd Payne Gaines.
Jimmy Gaines's birth name is Jimmy Ray Gaines.
Lee Gaines's birth name is Otho Lee Gaines.
Rowdy Gaines's birth name is Ambrose Gaines IV.
Davis Gaines is 6'.
Patrick Gaines is 6'.
To gain is obtain or secure or get something that is profitable, wanted, or favorable.