you must be 17+ so just show them your id but if your under-age you must have someone with a valid id thats 17+ with you.
Each passenger boarding an airplane must show an official ID (governement issued) that is current, and that ID must also contain a photo image of the passenger.
Yes. You must show a federal or Indiana state ID that contains the following:Your nameYour photoExpiration date (unless it is a US military ID)If you do not show such an ID, then you may vote on a provisional ballot. However, you must return to the election board by noon on Monday after the election and either show acceptable ID or execute an affidavit stating that you cannot obtain ID because you are either indigent or have a religious objection to being photographed.
Yes but they must show an Id that proves they are old enough to purchase it.
Many places give student discounts. To get it you show your student ID card.
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Yes, you must have your I.D. Most donation places pay abour 20.00 per donation.
Regular citizens cannot come up to someone and ask for ID out of nowhere. If you are trying to obtain a product or service that has an age requirement (beer, strip club, etc), then you must show ID.
Two pieces of ID that show your address- one of which must be a govt photo ID- be of lawful age (18), not beprohibited from buying a gun, and have the money to pay for it.
your id,and your social security card
You can not obtain a Tennessee ID by mail or the internet. You MUST do it in person.
There are many types of wallets that can protect one's ID from damage. The best places to look for wallets that could protect one's ID would be places like Amazon.