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In most countries of the world people over the age of 21 are legally entitled to drink alcohol at home or in places designated for the purpose (bars, restaurants etc).

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Q: Where are persons 21 years of age or older allowed to drink alcoholic beverages?
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What is the name of the person who does not drink wine?

Persons who do not drink alcoholic beverages are called non-drinkers, alcohol abstainers, or teetotalers. A nonalcoholic. --- Amed

What is alcoholic beverages?

a drink with alcohol in it.

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Are alcoholic beverages allowed in heaven?

Probably--"what would Jesus drink?" He apparently turned water to wine so he did not object to alcohol.

What drink eats up your liver?

alcoholic beverages

What happen because of 18th amendment?

The 18th amendment to the US Constitution was called prohibition, this is because the selling, drinking, and distributing alcoholic beverages was outlawed and no one was allowed to drink alcoholic beverages. However, the US government realized that they could not enforce a law of this magnitude and abolished it with the 21st amendment which stated that alcoholic beverages were allowed to be sold, drunk, and distributed throughout the US.

How old you have to be to drink?

you have to be 18 to drink alcoholic beverages No you have to be 21 to drink Alcoholic beverages its true you have to be 21 years old to drink at least in the USA. :D

Are you allowed to bring your own drinks on an Amtrak train?

Amtrak allows you to bring your own food and beverages onto the train. However, you are not allowed to drink your own alcoholic beverages in any public place, this is only allowed inside a sleeping car.

Why do people drink and drive?

Alcoholic beverages impare a persons ability to make sound judgements. Most people that drink and drive do not think that they are impared and unable to drive. and that is some tough quiz.

Which spirit is safe to drink?

All distilled spirits alcoholic beverages are safe to drink.

What are some beverages that begin with the letter X?

Non-Alcoholic Beverages:X Berry Bomb (energy drink)X Kosmic Kola (energy drink)X Tropical Typhoon (energy drink)X Twisted Citrus (energy drink)XTZ Chai spice (energy drink)XTZ Kaffe (energy drink)XTZ Tea (energy drink)Alcoholic Beverages: X (alcoholic drink)Xango (alcoholic drink)Xanthia cocktail (alcoholic drink)Xaviera (alcoholic drink)Xeres cocktail (alcoholic drink)XYZ cocktail (alcoholic drink)Xingu Black Beer (beer in Brazil)

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