Yes it's sold in Sporting good stores. It' the Crosman 357W. It sells for around $40-$50.
CROSMAN offers a service to locate independent shops that repair Crosman products. See the links below. One of the larger stores that sell air rifles in AZ is located in Gilbert AZ. You could call them and see if they do repairs.
Crosman is owned by Wellspring Capital Management. They are a privately owned company. They are located in the Leaver House in New York.
The Revelation air gun was made by Crosman for Western auto stores. In reality it is a Crosman model 760. Crosman offers a service to locate shops that repair older Crosman models. I suggest you go to the CROSMAN home page and scroll to the very bottom of the page and click on "Service Centers" you will find help there.
It's in the grip. See the link below.
IF it has one it is usually located on the Barrel by the breech. Some of the older Crosmans don't have any at all.
At present Walmart is selling it for $108 online. I've seen it for slightly less in a few web stores.
CROSMAN 2100 You can find CROSMAN Parts and manuals at ( see the link below) This should give you a diagram on how to dissamble a crosman 2100.
Adam Crosman is 179 cm.
Henrietta Crosman is 5' 4".
I don't believe that Gamo it still making the Hunter Sport anymore. But It may still be in stores. The Crosman Phantom 1000 has great reviews but I would lean towards the Gamo as my choice. But it's all up to you.
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