If you are asking about the 22 cal Air Rifle it was made by Crosman (Model 140) Four different versions were made 1954, 1955-57, 1956-62, 1961-68. Check "Bluebook of Airguns" 6th or 7th edition under Crosman for more information on the model 140/1400. Crosman and Daisy made Airguns for Sears under the JC Higgin name.
First you have to identify who made the air rifle. If the model number starts with 799 then it was made by Daisy. If it starts with 126 then it was made by Crosman. Both companies made airguns for sears under the JC Higgins brand name. If they were made by Crosman you will have more luck. Crosman offers a service to locate repair shops that repair older Crosman airguns. See the link below. If it was made by Daisy you may have more of a problem. I suggest you go online and do a search for "airgun repair" and locate a shop near you to repair the Daisy.
there are over 100 different model Crosman airguns. You need to specify the model and the condition of the Crosman you want to know about
Crosman offers a service to locate repair shops that repair older Crosman airguns. See the Link below. OR: you can see the link below of shops that have parts and repairs for all airguns.
Both Daisy and Crosman made airguns for Sears under the JC Higgins name. The Crosman home page has manuals online for many of their airguns, go to Customer service section and then download "manuals section." you may find it their.
Crosman has most all their diagrams for the airguns that they make online. See http:/www.crosman.com/airguns/service/manuals/crosman-rifles Locate your model towards the bottom of the list. You will also find the owners manual listed.
Your question is two parts. So I'll do my best to answer it. Both Crosman and Daisy made airguns for Sears under the JC Higgins brand name. All Crosman airguns carried the model 126.????? and Daisy models started with 799.?????. So yours was made by Crosman airgun company. "Bluebook of Airguns" carries a cross reference that list the REAL model number of the Sears airguns. Unfortunately not all the numbers are known, and I can not find a reference to 126.1980 in the crossover. Crosman offers a service to locate repair shops that fix older Crosman airguns, But you need to have the Crosman model number to use it. (See the link Below) Crosman also has a web page that list "MOST" all of their owners manuals and parts manuals. ( See #2 Link below) So here is what you can do. Go through the manuals and locate your air rifle, then you will know what model it is. Then use the Crosman locater to have it repaired. As far as price. I need the model number to set an estimate of value.
See the link below for the airguns they currently have.
Both Crosman and Daisy made air rifles for Sears under the JC Higgins brand name. Your model 126.19330 was made by Crosman and is a Crosman model 166 HAHN Super BB repeater made between 1958-71. Crosman no longer offers parts for this rifle BUT they do offer a service to locate repair shops that rebuild older Crosman airguns. see the links Below.
You can search the web and look for "Airgun Repair" and locate someone near you and have it repaired. The Model M180 was made by Crosman and is a Crosman model 180. it was made between 1962-68. Crosman offers a service to locate repair shops that repair older Crosman Airguns. See link Below
Crosman offers a free service to locate repair shops that repair older model Crosman airguns. see the link below.
Check "Blue Book of AirGuns 7th edition" Both Daisy and Crosman made Airguns under the J C Higgins name for Sears.