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Clocks are made all over the world.

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Q: Where are clocks made at?
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Who made bauhaus clocks?

shail shah made bauhaus clocks

When were the first mantel clocks made?

The first mantel clocks were made in the 1750's. They were first made in France. Mantel clocks are smaller clocks usually placed on a shelf or a mantel.

What plastic are alarm clocks made from?

Plastic alarm clocks are made of plastic.

What metals are in alarm clocks?

digital alarm clocks have copper but analog clocks depend on who made it

Have they ever made clocks with gold moving parts?

Yes they have made clocks with gold moving parts.

Why were clocks made?

people wanted them made, so they made them

Do any brands make new clocks that look like antiques?

Yes, there are clocks that have been made as replicas of antique clocks.

What country are clocks made in?


Who was the ancient Greek engineer who made water clocks and movable figures?

Ctesibus was a Greek inventor who made water clocks with moving figures on them.

Is the first clocks made out of wood or metal?

it was made from a metal

What country are alarm clocks made in?


When were digital clocks invented?

digital clocks were made in 1956 the digital clock was invented in 1956, it is the opposite to analogue.