If I remember correctly, the Lorcin company is no longer in business.
It was made by Lorcin, and Lorcin is no longer in business.
Lorcin firearms were made by lorcin engineering company,located in mira loma california.They made derringers and semi auto pistols from 1989 to 1999.
No longer made. NV when they were.
The name of the company that made Lorcin handguns was "Lorcin." However, I believe the company is out of business, and for good reason.
Nowhere. Company was in Mira Loma CA, closed in 1998 due to lawsuits.
Depends on when it was made.
Like all "Ring of Fire" guns (Lorcin, Raven, Jennings, Bryco, Jiminez), they're designed to be as cheap as possible. Thus, they are crudely made from cheap materials. If you have one, and some component breaks, it's better just to scrap it, because gunsmithing would typically cost more than the pistol is worth.
It is not unsafe, but not the highest quality gun made.
It's a magazine, not a clip, and no, Lorcin never made extended magazines for their pistols, nor did any other manufacturer which I'm aware of.
Lorcin manufactured them. They are now out of business.
Online (Gun Broker, Auction Arms, Guns America), might find some at gun shops, gun shows.