One of the best references is "Browning Sporting Arms of Distinction 1903-1992" by Matt Eastman.
The current Browning Buck Mark 22 LR pistols ( 2008 ) are built in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Any handgun that is not a revolver is a pistol- so, yes, there are .22 pistols. They include single shot top break pistols, derringers, and automatic pistols. The last category includes the makes of Ruger, Colt, Browning, High Standard, Smith & Wesson, and dozens of other makers. The link below is to a photo of a Browning Buckmark pistol- caliber .22 LR.
Browning made .22 rifles AND pistols- you did not tell us what you have. The Browning website, customer service, has historical data for many Browning firearms by serial number. See if your model is listed. If not email Browning.
Depends on which pistol you had in mind. For semi automatic pistols, 10 rounds is usually the norm. Revolvers may hold six or seven. Of course, there are those oddities, such as pistols manufactured from 10/22 receivers (these have to be assembled from newly manufactured aftermarket receivers to be classed as pistols - if they're manufactured from receivers which were already used to manufacture a rifle with, it's no longer considered a pistol, but a short barreled rifle), and those can accept any capacity magazine designed for the 10/22.
Blue Book of Gun Values
50-500 USD or so
Please specify the model. .22 Autos were made in Belgium as well as Japan. There are many other models.
It depends on the model. Most are made in Japan. High end shotguns are still made in Belgium for custom orders. Some pistols are made in Belgium and assembled in Portugal.