Yes. You can have frequent urination. I read an answer to this and the person said no because it is not until later in your trimester but the fact is the hCG that is released increases the blood flow to your pelvic area (and thus that otherflow) and your kidneys, which become more efficient during pregnancy (after all, you're urinating for two). As they get better at their job, your body is going to rid itself of waste more quickly (a good thing, because baby's generating extra waste). Your uterus bears some responsibility, too, as it puts pressure on your bladder and gives it less room to store urine (in the first trimester, and again later on).
Some say hCG is only released after implantation but some studies have shown some amounts are released sooner in early pregnancy...frequent urination can be an early symptom of pregnancy.
frequent urination after stopping hydrochlorithiazide
Ang "frequent urination" sa Tagalog ay "madalas umihi."
The difference between constant urination and frequent urination is that with constant urination one is always feeling the need to urinate. With frequent urination one needs to urinate often but not all the time.
It depends on how frequent,like if every five to ten minutes you have to urinate then it is probably a bladder infection or kiddney/gaul stones.
Tired, moody, cravings for foods, frequent urination, headaches, sorebreast & the list goes on & on.
No, I pee all the time after eating popcorn. I'm not pregnant. If you want to know if your pregnant go get a pregnancy test.
Absolutely!!!!!! I would bet you are!!! I too am experiencing the frequent urination and the excessive saliva, please let us know how it goes.
Yes u might be. Good luck.
Probably not. These symptoms are all side effects of the mirena iud.
its not very likely to experience frequent uriation that early as the egg would only be fertilized, id say its more like a kidney infectsion
No, this just means that the enlarging uterus is pressing the bladder causing you frequent urination.
You are not even far enough along to have frequent urination the bigger you get the more the baby ext starts to smoosh the bladder so there for you have to pee more you dont start to feel the need to pee more until you are about 4 months give or take a month