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Do you mean WHILE on your period? I am assuming you are young and have just begun to menstruate. If this is so, here is what you can expect: Until your body adjusts to and regulates your menstrual cycle, you may often experience inconsistent bleeding. It might be light one month, other months may not occur every 28 days (sometimes can be sooner, often times longer). You might also have occasional bloody discharge which, if light enough, might come out looking various shades of brown (as it is discharged from the cervix and, thus, takes time to be expelled from the vaginal canal--it turns brown in that time). Usually, if you are menstruating, the bleeding will be a darker shade of red, accompany cramps, and contain what appear to be pieces or clots of blood (actually, this is the lining of your uterus). Totally normal. If you are having BRIGHT red blood-shed when you go to the bathroom, you might need to get that checked out. The reason menstrual blood is darker is because, among other things, it takes some time for the blood to move from the uterus through the cervix and to be expelled through the vaginal canal, so it darkens through this process. Bright red blood could indicate a tear or other problem within your vaginal canal, along the labia, or possibly along the cervix. A large amount of bright red blood could indicate an internal hemmorhage and, especially if you are experiencing profound nausea or vomiting, and/or especially lightheadedness (faintness) or headache when you stand, you need to be seen IMMEDIATELY. Finally, if you are normalized in your menstrual cycle (have had it a while and are on a normal schedule) and you are experiencing bleeding each time you use the rest room using tampons, it COULD mean you need to move up in size on your tampon (i.e. from "normal" to "plus"). A little known fact is that girls/women who are thinner need larger tampons--this is due to a low amount of body fat, and specifically of fatty tissue in the vaginal canal. This is also why petite/thin women often need to be custom-fitted for diaphrams. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with you at all. If you are only using pads for menstrual support, then yes, it IS totally normal to bleed each time you use the bathroom. You are actually bleeding throughout the cycle, but it IS most noticeable to you when you use the restroom. Hope this helps!

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Q: When your on your period do you bleed every time when you use the bathroom?
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