it usally means that there in a relationship or he might just be a nice guy
It means she doesnt want to get committed but doesnt mind fooling around. Or she's a hooker.
Probably means he doesn't really want to take it slow.
Speeking as a woman, she means "lets take it slow" It sounds to me like she doesn't want to rush into anything meaning she does not want to get hurt, she wants everything to work out great and that can only happen if you don't rush and let everything happen on its own Hope this helps
It means he's not interested in a relationship, just the sex.
it means they want to break up with u
it means she likes you she just does NT want to rush into anything and then find out a month later she made a mistake,so take it slow and take the chance to know each other
.... well there is nothing you can do. it's like she broke up with you. you can't say no to that
Take things one day at a time usually means "don't put too much pressure" on the person. If a boyfriend says this, it means he feels he is being pressured, he is being asked to make a commitment he is not ready to make. He is asking to take the relationship more slowly, and not hurry into a commitment like marriage.
It means she is not interested and you should move to the next one.
That means they are probably getting more comfortable around you. Tell him you love him and see what he says or does. If he has a brief look of surprise, than that means that he either wants to take it slow, or he wasn't expecting that.
It means that it might take a while for you to catch on but you will eventualyy get it!!
well if your conputer is slow it means you have been useing the site for a long time take a break