Technically since is right or left HANDED it would depend what HAND you used. If your right hand was on your left arm but it was still your primary hand than you'd still be right handed and vice versa.
When you raise your right arm, the reflection in the bathroom mirror will show your right arm raised as well. The reflection will mirror your movements, so if you see your right arm raised, it means you are moving your right arm physically.
As most people are right-handed, they typically wear their watch on their left wrist for easy access. However, it ultimately comes down to personal preference.
The speed of a pendulum is determined by the length of the pendulum arm and the force applied to set it in motion. A shorter pendulum will swing faster, while a longer pendulum will swing slower. Additionally, factors such as air resistance and friction can also affect the speed of a pendulum swing.
Most people wear wristwatches on their left hand because it is more convenient for right-handed individuals to adjust the time and wind the watch using their dominant hand. Additionally, wearing a watch on the non-dominant hand reduces the risk of damage or scratches that may occur if worn on the dominant hand during daily activities.
it swings with you right leg
According to wikipedia, cats walk "singly" at slow speeds--that is, instead of moving front-right with back-left, front-left with back-right paw, as other mammals seem mostly to do, cats tend to move one side of their bodies at a time--front-right with back-right, front-left with back-left paw. Humans walk like other mammals, opposing their arms' swing to their steps--left arm swings forward with right foot, right arm swings forward with left foot.
it helps to keep your body balanced as you walk
Depends on your action, what arm you are (left or right) and some people are natural at one type of swing, like James Anderson for England is very good at outswing to the right hander.
Put your back to the jam where the hinges are. hold out your left arm. That is the direction the left hand door will swing.
go to the bottom of the snowpoint temple were regigigas is walk through his left or right arm.
Your left arm.
Left arm.
You use a special approach. 1. Step big steps with you feet, (left, right, then left) 2. Swing your arms up. 3. While in the air, swing your arm all the way through to slam the ball to the ground.
The leads in Einthoven's Triangle, which are Leads I (left and right arm), II (right arm and left foot)), and III (left arm and foot).