Often. It can also cause extremes of blood pressure, and seizures. Alcohol detox should be medically supervised if possible. If not, don't hesitate to call 9-1-1 if needed. Get a blood pressure cuff, and monitor the person's blood pressure.
how to stop them from drinking alcohol
Over the years the best way for me to settle an upset stomach was gatorade... Drinking water is the worst thing to do
Stop drinking. If drinking is more important to your than your relationship, you have a drinking problem that needs to be addressed immediately.
Drinking alcohol will stop the tremors temporarily. However, the long term solution is to stop drinking.
a campaign to stop the drinking of alcohol
Milk is not a good thing to drink with an upset stomach. The best thing to do is gargle some alcohol-free mouthwash (most kids brands are alcohol free). Don't brush because the abrasive toothbrush combined with the stomach acid could erode your teeth. Gingerale or ginger tea is the best thing to drink for an upset stomach, though it will not help with the burning.
You stop drinking alcohol or drink it moderately.
Not physically, but heavy drinking stops emotional growth.
yes because alcohol is an addiction
Stop Drinking!
There is no reason why you would spit when you drink alcohol. If it bothers you, then stop drinking alcohol.