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Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe he was embarrassed that you noticed him looking at you? Maybe he was simply shy? There is no simple answer! If you see him regularly, and are interested, you could try smiling and saying hello, and see where that leads.

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Q: When you smile at a guy looking at you and he doesn't smile back?
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Does a guy like you when he looks back some times but does not smile at you?

That has happened to me a few times. It doesnt always mean that. But maybe he does!

How can you tell if a guy is looking at you or just looking at you because you're looking at him?

Because they might smile at you or ask you out.

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he is playing hard to get and he seen you made the first move now just smile when he looks at you and stare back and wait for him to make the next move. and if he doesnt he is a player and doesnt deserve you

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he will always stare at u and make up a converstation and hugged weird and blinks twice and luk at u in smile

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To meet Sabrina Okkk this is a trick question cause guys don't smile they have a line face if u ever see a guy smile then your looking at a girl and if u see that line ____ your looking a guy

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Question is: Is he interested in you?

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Check behind you to see if he is smiling at you or not. You smile back and just go somewhere to see if he follows you or give you his full attention.

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well if he smiles and blushes when he says he didnt want to then he might but if he doesnt smile or nothin then he doesnt

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You are probably cute and/or have some attractive curves. He's looking because he's interested. Make it easy for him -- look back and smile.

Movies that will make you cry laugh and smile but most of all has a great looking guy?


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It seems that he likes what he sees and is likely interested in you.

How do you know when someone has feelings for you?

Most likely she will be looking at you when your not looking at her. She may smile. Also, it never kills a guy to ask.