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When you miss a pill take the next pill as soon as you remember and continue taking them as normal. However you will need to use a condom for seven days.

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Q: When you miss a pill and the chances of becoming pregnant increases what should you then do to become protected again and how long will it take?
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If you stop taking your contraceptive pill how quickly can you fall pregnant?

Well each day that you do not take your pill, your chances of becoming pregnant increases greatly. You can get pregnant almost immediately.

What lowers your chances of becoming pregnant?

smoking, drugs, alcohol, sperm count in males, sexually transmitted diseases may cause miscarriages, not having enough sex studies show having sex at least 3 times a week increases chances of becoming pregnant, and being infertile. Being under- or overweight also decreases you chances.

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A miscarriage should not prevent you from becoming pregnant again.

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The fertile time is the most likely time to get pregnant.

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PID decreases the chances of becoming pregnant.

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No, birth control decreases your risk of getting pregnant.

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Natural herbs can help you in increasing your chances of pregnancy.There are various herbs and supplements available that can boost your chances conceiving.Natural herbs increases your fertility as a result of which the chances of pregnancy increases.

What is the percentage of becoming pregnant after a tubaligation?

The percentage of becoming pregnant after the lady has gone under a tubiligation, or as some people call it tubegtomy, the chances are very, very little indeed.

If you forgot to take the pill and your boyfriend ejacultated inside you but you took both pills the next day what are the chances of getting pregnant?

You should still be protected from pregnancy because you made up for the day that you missed. However, there may be chance of becoming pregnant if you do not take your pills every day at the same time. If you properly take your pills, you are 99.9% protected.

Do your chances of becoming pregnant while on the pill increase the more?

They do not. Taking the pill decreases the chance of getting pregnant, but it is still possible to become pregnant on the pill.