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I keep seeing the ratio of 30 lbs. weight loss equals 1 inch of length. That is going to vary some. If I loose the 100 lbs I need to, I'm not going to gain 3 inches, never had to loose. Maybe 2, but you would gain some.

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Q: When you lose weight do your penis get longer?
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lose your weight man ")

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Im overwieght and my penis is 3 inches will it get bigger if i lose weight?

actually, if you look, you can actually see that you have a layer of fat that lays around it, thus losing weight will make that layer go away making your penis bigger...well the size it actually is intended to be.YA YOUR PENIS SIZE CAN BE IMPROVED , SO DONT WORRY MAN. And its not necessary to lose yr weight so much . You can improve yr dick length and girth both by just doing penis enlargement exercise daily for ten to fifteen minutes only. You will find change in one or two months. So go aheadNo the length wont change no matter how much weight you lose . However , when you lose weight the fat around the penis will disappear making your penis look longer . If you want it bigger there are many things you could try . Speak to your GP or a gum clinic about getting safe tablets to stimulate penis growth or even try something as simple as a penis pump.No, the length does not change, but it will appear longer because the fat pad on your pubis will shrink.There are ways to making your penis bigger , however losing weight isn't one of them . Losing weight will make your penis appear to be bigger , but length wont change . However try things such as penis pumps , they can add 3+ inches on to the length of your penis

Do people who sleep longer lose weight quicker?

Quick answer - No

How can you lose your thigh weight in one day?

You can't. It takes longer than a day to lose weight from your thighs (or anywhere, for that matter).

How does help work?

You lose body weight which helps you live longer

How does work out help?

You lose body weight which helps you live longer

Can you lose too much weight taking Topamax?

no when you first start taking it you will lose a couple of pounds at first then the longer your on it you stop losing weight

Can you lose weight from dieting alone?

yes it'll just take longer

Is it true that you gain an inch in your penis for every 35 pounds that you lose?

No. Your penis doesn't actually grow. The fatty tissue over the pubic bones shrinks and creates the "illusion" of a longer penis. A scince group did a correlation between weigh and "apparent penis length", and derrived the average of 1" per 35 lbs. Conversely, a man can become so overweight that the pubic fat tissue causes the penis to become inverted, refered to as a man-gina.

Can your penis gain or lose weight with you or does it always stay the same size?

Your penis itself doesn't lose or gain weight with the rest of your body. However, when you lose weight, the fat that has accumulated at the base of your penis will be burnt away, uncovering more of your penis. (Think about staring into a milkshake while drinking through a straw. The more you drink, the less milkshake there is in the glass and the more of the straw is exposed). I don't remember where I heard that, but supposedly with every 30 lbs. lost, you gain about an inch.From personal experience, I've lost 85 lbs. and have grown about 2 inches in length. I estimate I'll be a little over 8" long when I lose the rest of the fat. Good luck!

Do anorexic people lose thigh weight?

Yes, it takes longer then stomach fat, but yes