Put your hands behind there neck, or mby run it through there hair :D
Buld it up. Look into his eyes, put your hands behind his neck and pull him close, and kiss him. What kind of kiss are we talking about?
She will rub your back and hold your hand that means she wants a kiss and put your arm around her
you just walk up to him and put your hands behind his head and kiss him!
hips...don't go for more, or there may not be a second kiss
Put out and show your tots.
Put your hands in his pockets and stroke it.
No, he just like you
kiss him back If you want him to kiss you definitely kiss him back remember bob and weave try not to bump heads instead of kissing. But if your not ready put your hands on his shoulders and kind of push your self away from him. He might feel like a complete idiot for moving to fast and trying to kiss you. But reassure him that you still like him and that you just want to take it slow and your not ready yet.
keep the corner of your eye on them and if they hold hands or kiss or anyhting then poof you know... OR... you ask her.
you can put your hands on the back of there hair and play with hair, just slightly you don't want to hurt them. you can also put one hand down at their waist and the other in their hair or on their cheek. or you could put both on the waist, or one on the cheek and one on the neck area. if your siting you can rest one hand on their knee/leg I'm a girl and i like it when a guy is rubbing my back, when your kissing someone your hands will probably move around, trust me, it will come naturaly, just remember to be focused on the actual kiss and not about what your doing
You kiss a guy that you love by trying to show him you love him with the kiss.
when he kisses you just put your tonge in there and get it going into full make out