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Yes,your body wasn't designed to handle alcohol.

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Q: When you drink alcohol does your liver get more damaged?
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Why is the liver damaged by excess alcohol?

Alcohol eats away at your organs which will then damage the liver. Alcohol should not be a "oh lets go party" drink, you should only be drinking to drink it not to get drunk and want to party. The more alcohol you drink the more your liver is going to be ate away at. With out your liver, it will be the end of you :(

How does Binge drinking effect the liver?

it makes you have liver disease and the liver can't help the body fight off stuff. more than one drink can make it become badly damaged.

What will remove alcohol from the body?

The body (liver) will naturally remove alcohol from the blood, it just takes time, the more you drink the longer it will take.

Can you drink more alcohol if you re in good physical shape?

NO! Alcohol affects your brain as well as your body. A human liver can only break down one unit of alcohol an hour no matter how fit you are. Drinking more only adds stress to your liver and increases your likeliness of developing cirrhosis of the liver.

Excessive consumption of alcohol is most likely to damage which organ of the body over a long period of time?

The liver is the organ most likely to be damaged by excessive alcohol consumption over a long period of time. Alcohol can cause liver inflammation, fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. It is important to drink alcohol in moderation to protect the liver and overall health.

When does alcohol start to effect you?

Obviously it would depend on how much you drink. Depending on your age, weight, and tolerance. For the average person it takes about three or four shots of whiskey to get somewhat drunk. This would kick in about 15 to 25 minutes after you drink it. This is because of the ethanol alcohol in the drink. Your liver has to detoxify your blood and if you drink more than your liver can handle it doesn't purify enough of your blood.

Is alcohol ok to drink?

A small amount of alcohol is OK. One beer or one shot glass of liquor, for example. More than that and you start getting into trouble with being drunk and destroying your liver and other body organs. Alcohol is actually poisonous if you drink a lot of it.

How much alcohol is safe when taking fluconazole?

No, you want to avoid alcohol with this medicine. Fluconazole has been known to cause liver damage in some cases. Alcohol damages the liver in all cases. You don't want to run the risk of further liver damage by drinking while you are taking this medicine.

Can you take methatrexate and have a glass of wine?

It is recommended you drink no more than 4 units of alcohol a week when taking methatrexate. This is due ti the medication interacting with alcohol in your liver and causing damage.

What removes alcohol from bloodstream?

The alcohol causes dehydration in your body and makes you twice as thirsty. In most cases, when you are at the bar and drink too much beer, you get thirsty and drink more beer. Then you pass out.

What happens if you have liver cancer an you drink alcohol?

Surprisingly, liver cancer is more likely to occur after a long-time alcohol abuser stops drinking. That's because as the liver quickly re-grows, malignant cells are more likely to develop. My guess would be that you would just die quicker...therefore the patient would be committing suicide.

Does coffee help the liver process alcohol more quickly?

Coffee does not help the liver process alcohol more quickly. It actually does the opposite. Coffee dehydrates you, and this will slow the liver down.