Yes I'm afraid you do lose your current voicemail from your old phone. You have to record your own voicemail on your new phone. You should be able to do this in the menu on your phone in settings, if not then read through your phone information booklet there will be a section on setting voicemail up.
The only way possibly to lose your voice is by either yelling loudly, or going through your period where your voice intends to change its pitch. It is in this time that you are likely to lose your voice for a short period of time. but to lose your voice for a prank is not possible.
It can stick to the vocal chords and change the pitch at which they vibrate.
You Lose Your Voice
They can lose their voice like people and there voice can change as they get older. Is that what you are asking? Or like do they break like a glass I don't quite get the question.
Not really. Sometimes it does go in and out though. It mainly just gets deeper
The medical condition where you lose your voice is called laryngitis. This is an inflammation of the voice box and often mimics the common cold until you lose your voice.
They lose there say, they lose there voice in society!
the more you make noise the more you lose your voice
It is inflammation of the larynx which is your "voice box"
NO! you will NEVER lose ur singing voice! u might get horse or lose ur voice but it wont harm ur singing!