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Fetal alcohol syndrome of the brain.

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Q: When women drink alcohol during pregnancy they can cause significant brain damage called?
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When women drink alcohol during pregnancy they can produce significant brain damage called in the fetus?

Yes, however research show that half a glass if wine a day is OK.

When pregnant woman drink alcohol through pregnancy does it stink when they have the baby?

No, but it can damage the baby as its growing in the womb.

Will drinking alcohol one day of pregnancy terminate the pregnancy?

No but it will cause damage to the fetus who will not grow correctly and be born with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Does alcohol damage plastic?

Alcohol does not typically damage the plastic it could be in. Plastic actually will damage the alcohol inside of it.

What are some economic consequences of Fetal alcohol syndrome?

The main effect of FAS is permanent central nervous system damage, having recently drunk alcohol, and up to 30% drink alcohol at some point during pregnancy.

Why Alcoholism is common in learning disabilities?

because during the pregnancy alcohol will mess with the baby babies development and brain damage can cause the learning disabilities.

Does taking ectasy and drinking for a week alter the results of a pregnancy test?

No nothing can effect the result of a pregnancy test except for medication containing HCG. However drinking alcohol & consumming Ecstasy can damage yourself & your brain cells & also can possibly cause irrepairable damage to the Embryo.

Why is it important not to drink alcohol during pregnancy?

B/c parts of whatever the mother eats, drinks or inhales is passed on to the unborn baby. And alcohol(and some other drugs) can do permanent damage to the baby fairly fast.

What are the chances of a miscarriage if alcohol is consumed every day for 5 weeks?

Not miscarriage, more likely brain damage. It's called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Can alcohol harm you?

The abuse of alcohol can harm you and others too. it makes your liver harder to metabolize alcohol, you become more violent and irresponsible, and it could definitely be damaging during a pregnancy, hurting a child before it's even born. Yes. It can create liver damage, heart damage, mouth damage, stomach damage and more. Plus, using alcohol and driving behind the wheel of a car can damage just more than yourself. If you do decide to drink ALWAYS have a designated driver. I lost someone very special due to a drunk driver. On the other hand, the moderate consumption of alcohol is associated with better health and greater longevity than abstaining from it.

Can you drink with Tramadol?

Tramadol is a pain killer. If a person can limit their alcohol intake they can drink alcohol while taking Tramadol.

Will denatured alcohol damage plastic materials?

Yes, denatured alcohol can damage certain types of plastic materials.