well lots of girls start at dif. ages 10,11,12,13,14,15 but the ages that are between 9-16 for a girl to start her periodfor a better age-range ask your mom how old she was when she got her period :) LOTS OF GIRLS GET THEIR PERIOD AT 12.5 BUT NOT ALL :)
I had this before my period started DONT WORRY basically it can be different for all girls mine lasted for a year all girls are unique but if it lasts very long be patient when you do get your period your gonna prob wish yours was more longer.BUT DONT WORRY! its normal and your very lucky to have this!
yes there are some signs that are the same a period signs but the realy tell tale signs are. -missing out a period -breast suddenly growing
Signs of pregnancy are the same in all patients. A missing period and positive pregnancy tests are signs of pregnancy.
Well if you have all the signs then yes it should be on its way!!! Hehe dont look forward to it too much! I've had it once and hmm im a bit sick of it :)
Ok.... Depressed, cramps, discharge for a year, Moody, weigh 100 pounds, etc Thats all the signs I got before i had my first period (I'm 13)
Theres no signs realy you just all of a sudden get blood on your knickers
Yes,also could be signs of pregnancy , or ovulation . All depending on when your cycle starts
Yes. Mild cramping, sore breasts, light spotting, every body getting on your nerves, fatigue. All signs that your period is coming, but it never does. Must be pregnant!
There are specific signs that anyone can see.
im 13 and all my friends have started their period apart from me. i am having all the signs apart from blood. my friend had all the signs and started not long ago so i should start soon. the signs are tender boobs, cramps, back aches, headaches, mood swings, pains down below, clear or white discharge and sometimes blood. if you get most of these symptoms everyday you will be likely to start soon i hope this helps you
Those are definitely signs of getting your period, but you might have such signs for quite a while before your period starts. It just depends on your body. I personally had cramps and all those signs once a month for a few months before the bleeding actually started. Good luck!