US in the Manhattan Project.
No, the first Nuclear Weapons were created near the end of WWII as a way to defeat Japan without to great a loss to the USA's Armed Forces.
As a defense against the possibility that Nazi Germany would create them.
nuclear deterrence - the idea that if you attack me with nuclear weapons then I will attack you back with nuclear weaponsmutual assured destruction - the idea that if you attack me with nuclear weapons then I will totally destroy you with nuclear weapons and if I attack you with nuclear weapons then you will totally destroy me with nuclear weapons - thus any nuclear attack by either party will result in the certain destruction of both parties
Yes. Both strategic & tactical nuclear weapons. Great Britain has been a nuclear power since the end of the Second World War. The US & Britain cooperated in the secret nuclear program during WW2 that created the first atomic bombs.
US weren't effected by the Nuclear Weapons, They created it.
US in the Manhattan Project.
It created the first controlled nuclear reaction, as well as nuclear weapons.
It is, but it is not very descriptive. How about"Nuclear weapons are devices created to kill many with extreme heat and explosive power."
Those that are nuclear, such as the nuclear bombs.
Zambia does not have nuclear weapons.
In nuclear weapons depots.
Nuclear weapons are typically created and declared by countries that have developed the capability to produce them. Declarations of possessing nuclear weapons are often made by official government leaders or through public statements from a country's nuclear program authorities.
Nuclear weapons are weapons which are fueled by nuclear energy. Examples of weapons that can be fueled by nuclear energy are missile warheads and bombs.
Yes, they are nuclear weapons.
NO. Afghanistan does not have nuclear weapons, nor did it have nuclear weapons at any time, nor has it been accused by other countries of having nuclear weapons. Afghanistan is also a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, for what that's worth.
No, the first Nuclear Weapons were created near the end of WWII as a way to defeat Japan without to great a loss to the USA's Armed Forces.