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the best answer ive found was between 1955-1958

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Q: When were mossberg model 190 16 ga shotguns made?
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What is the value of an Mossberg Model 190 KB?

Mossberg bolt-action shotguns rarely sell for more than $140.

Where is the serial number on mossberg model 190?

There is no serial number on the Mossberg 190. This model was made in the 1950's before serial numbers were mandated by our friendly government. Many manufacturers did put on serial numbers before this but not Mossberg on this model.

Where is the serial number on a Mossberg model 190?

There is no serial number on the Mossberg 190. This model was made in the 1950's before serial numbers were mandated by our friendly government. Many manufacturers did put on serial numbers before this but not Mossberg on this model.

Is the model 190 Mossberg bolt design safe?

If in good condition Yes. I have a Mossberg Model 185 and 190 and squirrel hunt with them all the time.

What year is your model 190 mossburg shotgun?

The model 190 Mossberg shotgun was manufactured in the 1950s. The exact date would depend on the serial number of the item.

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What year was mossberg 16 gauge 190 d made?


What is the age of a mossberg model 190 KB?

1957-1958 from what i can find im about to give mine an overhaul its in bad shape.

What year was Winchester model 190 serial number 179449 made?

Winchester did not keep track of the serial numbers by year of production for the model 190.I can say that the model 190 was made from 1974-1980.

What year was Winchester Model 190 serial number 717885 made?

Winchester did not keep records of the serial numbers by production year for the model 190.I can say that the Winchester model 190 was made from 1974-1980.

What is the value of a mossberg model 190 bolt action worth?

$75-100. Well made, durable, reliable, but not a hot collector's item. Basically the gun of the working man, farmer, or young shooter.

What year did the model190 mossberg 16 gauge come out?

The 190 was made from 1950-1955 and only in 16 gauge.