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The only nuclear weapons ever used were 'Little Boy', dropped on Hiroshima on the 6th of August 1945 and 'Fat Man' dropped on Nagasaki on the 9th by the USA.

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Q: When was the last time a nuclear weapon was used?
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Can a nuclear reactor be used as a nuclear weapon?

No, a nuclear reactor cannot be used as a nuclear weapon. The design and purpose of a nuclear reactor are different from those of a nuclear weapon. The fuel and technology used in reactors are not suitable for producing the type of explosive power needed for a nuclear weapon.

What are the uses of nuclear weapons?

The uses of nuclear weapons are to end life. They are used as a very last resort weapon because of they totally demolish any thing in their way.

What weapon was famously used for the first time during World War 2?

Atomic/nuclear weapons

What weapon was used for the first nuclear weapon?

fatman, little boy and trinity they are nuclear bombs used on japan (exept trinity) at the end of the second world war.

Where and when has nuclear energy been used?

Nuclear weapon, nuclear (atomic) power stations. Also the Sun works on nuclear reactions.

Where was the first nuclear weapon detonated?

The first nuclear weapon was used on Hiroshima , Japan . The first nuclear bomb test was conducted in Alamogordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945 .

When was the first nuclear weapon used?

1945 ending ww2

What weapon was not used in the Vietnam war?

Nuclear weapons were not used in the Vietnam War.

What modern weapon was not used in trench warfare?

The nuclear bomb was not used in trench warfare.

Which radioactive actinide was the primary explosive component of nuclear weapons?

This would be plutonium in modern nuclear weapons. Another actinide common in nuclear weapons is uranium. Nowadays this is usually found in the secondary of the weapon. The Little Boy weapon used against Hiroshima used uranium as the fissile material. This was a single stage weapon. A few other weapons also used uranium as the primary nuclear explosive.

Uses of nuclear energy in science?

nuclear energy is using the energy of science to be used as a weapon that has connections to science

What must be done to a nuclear weapon before it can be used?

A nuclear weapon must be armed before it can be used. They are all built with safety mechanisms so they will not go off accidently or on impact after the crash of a delivery vehicle.