Cavemen where the people to get the first tattoos
A tattoo of a Sawastika
I would assume that any tattoo of the number 1917 would be a reference to the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia-the first, and only revolution to bring the working to power.
Crucified by society (smaller version of the skinhead on the cross tattoo), Jailhouse tattoo, Homemade tattoo - are normally the meaning it.
Tattoos, even one of a calf, do not have specific meanings. The meaning of a tattoo varies among the person getting the tattoo.
Tyga's first tattoo was his mom's name on his neck.
Pete gave himself his first tattoo when he was 14
Cher Lloyd was 16 when she had her first tattoo
usually 18 but i was 15 when i got my first tattoo
his dad passed away and wanted to get a tattoo and his second tattoo he got was across his chest which said "cash money". he got that tattoo because tupac had one like that but tupacs tattoo read "thug life"
-Chris Brown was 13 When He got his first tattoo because his mom said "As long as it was something positive. -Chris Brown got his first tattoo, Jesus with musical notes floating around his head, when he turned 17 years old.
First, get an apprenticeship. This is not a "how to" site.and call them tattoo machines as guns shoot people, tattoo machines do not
His first tattoo was of a microphone (on his arm) when he was 18. He jokes that it now looks like a cheese grater.
You have to unlock Russia first, then that unlocks the tattoo shop!
i think you ned to kill it first then hold it down and tattoo the gold fish :)
Katy Perry's first tattoo was "Jesus" on her wrist. She got this tattoo at the age of 18 as a reminder of her Christian roots, as both of her parents are ministers. She now has 4 tattoos.