1622 because thomas shotgun was out and wanted to build something so he made a shotgun
The first recorded use of the term shotgun was in 1776 in Kentucky
the omygerd of 1927
The only way to know when a Winchester 1300 shotgun was made is to take it to a gun store or an appraiser. The first 1300 shotguns were made in 1981.
it was the holy grail of 1901
You will need to find out who made it first.
Early 1900s.Browning first had the auto-5 shotgun imported from FN of belguim in 1903,but this was only 3 months.Then in 1923 browning began regular importation of belguim made shotguns.
When were 3inch magnum
Merkel has made them since the 1800's
If your Browning auto-5 shotgun is in 12 gauge,then it was made in the first year of production which was 1903.If you have a 16 gauge auto-5 shotgun,then it was made in the first year of production which was 1909.
The first 28 gauge shotgun on the commercial market appeared in 1904. It was made and sold by the Parker Arms Company.