the first docking station was invented by mr.docking station in 2002.5.
No one is credited with producing the first Ipod Docking Stations. Although, the first docking station was invented by Mr. Docking Station in the year 2002.
The first mp3 docking station was created by SaeHan Information Systems in 1998 and could only be used for the MPMan F10. The iPod docking station was created by Apple and came out in 2003.
a station for docking your camera
Station d'accueil is the correct way to say docking station in french.
A docking station has fewer ports.
Hs code of monitor docking station .84572090
Well, duh! Almost, every docking station comes with a remote control in the box that the docking station comes in. I have a JPG docking station in the shape of a dohnut and it has a really cool black, shiny remote.
Yes, if there is an electrical outlet, you can have an iPod docking station in the bathroom (though not recommended due to the water that could damage the iPod and/or the docking station).
The best benefit of a Gateway docking station is that you can just set your laptop into the docking station without hooking up all the cords. You will have a full mouse, keyboard and large monitor already cabled to the docking station.
What? No
docking port
If you want something portable then yes by all means go with the iHome docking station. the iHome docking station does have a pretty loud speaker especially considering how small it is.