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1270 : Albertus Magnus (d.1280, Cologne, Germany) left a manuscript (dated c.1270) that included the work attributed to a 'Marcus Gracchus' of an earlier time. The Gracchus' work was titled Liber Igneum ad comburendos hostes [Book of Fires for Burning enemies] and contained workable recipes for explosive gunpowder.

1324 : Guns were reportedly used at a siege of Metz (Lorraine).

1370 : Reference to a gun foundry at Augsburg (Germany).

1399 : An early, cast bronze handgun was discovered at the site of a castle in Tannenberg, Hess, Germany. The castle was known to have been destroyed in 1399, and the piece is reasonably assumed to predate that event. This 'Tannenberg Gun' is now at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg.

1405 : Earliest illustration of a 'handgun' from Konrad Kyeser's Bellifortis (military engineer and author born in 1366, Eichstätt - Bavaria).

Near the actual Germany in Bohemia began in the 15th (1420 to circa 1434) The Hussite Wars were arguably the first European war in which hand-held gunpowder weapons made a decisive contribution.

In The Cleveland Museum of Art (Ohio, USA) you can find an early German rifle from 1618, a wheel-lock rifle created in Bavaria.

The tradition of rifle associations dates back to the last part of Middle-Age, when town dwellers united to protect themselves. At the first German rifle club festival, held in Gotha in 1861, various clubs merged to form the General German Rifle Association.

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