El Gamo ASI also known as a Gamatic 85 was made sometime during the 1970's
It hard to find information about this line of air guns but I know they were made by "GAMO." I found a magazine add for a new one on the web that was dated 1972
I have run across this question befor, This is what I wrote. It has taken me a long time to answer this question, because I can not find any information about the ASI paratrooper. Apparently is was sold in England and Canada. Today I accidentally found a page that referenced it as the ASI paratrooper/Gamo gamatic 85. When I saw the photo of the ASI and parts manual for the Gamatic 85 I realized that they were the same air rifle. Apparently they were made in the 1970's
The ASI for Air Assault is 2B. You are able to put it on your ERB now.
It has taken me a long time to answer this question, because I can not find any information about the ASI paratrooper. Apparently is was sold in England and Canada. Today I accidentally found a page that referenced it as the ASI paratrooper/Gamo gamatic 85. When I saw the photo of the ASI and parts manual for the Gamatic 85 I realized that they were the same air rifle. My Bluebooks give me the price guide for the Gamo Gamatic 85. In Excellent condition it is worth around $65 USD and if you have the box you can add about 10%
Im not sure about the first question, but yes u would need a licence for it if u wanted to stay legit. ,<<<<<new answer>>>>>>> The model ASI Paratrooper and the Gamo Gamatic 85 are the same rifle. Just different name. The muzzle velocity is rated at 560 FPS.
Nothing :) It's a mixture of Spanish and French. Did you mean "moi asi?" That means "me too" in French. "asi asi" is Spanish for "so-so." "moi" is French for "me."
asi asi
asi asi
Así = thus, thusly, like this, that's the way.
The meaning of the Spanish word Asi depends on the context. Asi es = That's the way it is / This is the way it is. Asi son las cosas = That is the way things are. Se hace asi = It's done like that / like this.
ASI Controls was created in 1986.
Asi Levi was born in 1969.