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Trade name used on firearms made for Western Auto Stores. Proofhouse. com has a store brand chart. Do not bring big prices. 50-100 USD

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Q: When was the Revelation gun model 100A 22 S-L-LR made?
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Who made the Revelation Model 100A?


Who made revelation model 100a 22 rifle? has a store brand chart that might help

What year was revelation model 100A 22 S-L-LR made and how much is it worth?

50-125 USD; probably 50-60's. Serial numbers were not required before 68 I personally have a Revelation Model 100A and i also have the Mossberg Model 340KA and the only difference is that the 340ka came with a clip fed magazine and the Revelation is just a single shot. As for the year the were made between 1955-1968. and for those who didnt know, the government didnt make gunmakers put serial numbers on the weapons until 1968. thank you

Who made the Revelation gun Model 100A 22 S-L-LR?

Trade name used on firearms made for Western Auto Stores. Proofhouse. com has a store brand chart. Do not bring big prices. 50-100 USD

How old is a revelation model 100a by western auto supply company?

My catalogue states that the rifle was made by Mossberg (Model 320-321) Mossberg made a variety of single shot and repeating bolt action rifles starting in the 1930. they were low-priced and were intended for extensive use. However it does not state when they stopped making these rifles. About 30 different models were made.

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Who made Revelation model 125?

Made for Western Auto by Mossberg- their model 353.

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I think Savage did. sorry it was not a savage. the revelation model 110 was a marlin model 81.

Who made the revelation model 350a shotgun?

It' a Savage model 94D

Did savage build 22Mag bolt rifle under Revelation model 107 name?

Revelation Model 107 was made by Mossberg (Model 640K)

When was revelation model 335 410 made?

I can say that the revelation model 335 was made by the firm Mossberg and Sons.You may want to contact them and see if they have the information that you seek.The Revelation name was a house brand name.