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They were produced between 1964 and 1970

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Q: When was it made Winchester 22 mag rf model 255?
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How old is 22 mag model 255 serial 777353?

This rifle was made by Winchester from 1963-1971.

How old is a Winchester 255 22 mag serial 777353?

Your Winchester model 255 was made from 1963-1971.winchester did not keep records of the serial numbers by year of production for the 200 series of rifles,which yours is.

What is the age of a Winchester model 9422m serial number f71917?

Your winchester model 9422m .22 mag rifle was made by winchester in 1973.

How old is your model 62 256 Winchester mag serial number 5694?

Your winchester model 62 was made in the first year of production which was 1932.

What year was my Winchester mag it's a model 74 serial number 94445?

With the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 74 was made in the year 1941.

Is their a 7mm ultra mag in the model 70?

The 7mm Ultra Mag is a Remington cartridge. THE model 70 is a Winchester rifle. Winchester does not chamber the Model 70 For the 7mm Rem. Ultra Mag cartridge.

What is the value of a Winchester model 94 44 mag number 3442048 M?

With the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 94 was made in either 1971,or 1972.

What is the manufacture date for a Winchester model 9244 22 mag with serial number 141060?

With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 9422M,chambered in .22WMR was made in the year 1973.

How much is Winchester model 94-44 mag worth?

Winchester Model 94-44 Magnum 3199687M

What year was my Winchester model 70 300 win mag made in?

Without a serial number there is no way we can tell you. Get the serial number, contact Customer Service at Winchester.

What is the year and value of my Winchester Model 670 264 Win Mag Serial Number 108003?

I can say that the Winchester model 670 and 670 magnum version,which you have was made by Winchester from 1967-1973.I am afraid thats all the info that I can find.

Value for a Winchester 30 06 Model 70 made 1949 good cond?

value of 1949 model 70 300 H&H mag.