Your Browning shotgun with the prefix of 70G to the serial number indicates that it was made in the year 1970.
your browning light weight 12ga was produced in 1960.
It was made in 1979
100-400 usd
The barrel exchange will be your best bet if you called browning this is the place they would refer you to. They are located in Ga.
If you own a model auto-5?Then I show your serial number indicates a standard model in 12ga that was made in 1953.If it is a light twelve it should have a L prefix to the serial number.
see for list of serial numbers ds You have a lightweight 12ga made in 1967 auto5man
50-500 usd
Your Browning light weight 12ga shotgun which was produced in the year 1950,will be valued at between 340-450 dollars for a shotgun showing between 60%-90% of its original finish.If you have a vent rib barrel light weight 12ga model the price will be between 415-630 dollars for the same amount of finish as quoted above.
Your browning auto-5 light weight 12ga shotgun was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1954.
Your Browning light weight auto-5 shotgun in 12ga which was made in 1962 will bring between 415-630 dollars for a vent rib barreled shotgun with between 60%-90% of i9ts original finish remaining,and a good bore.
Your browning model auto-5 magnum 12ga shotgun was made by FN for browning in 1965.