Anschutz does not publish data on this, but does provide information on decoding the proof markings for an approximate date. See the link below to the Anschutz website.
No sn data outside the factory I know of.
I suggest you contact Anschutz directly. You can e-mail them at See the link below for their web page
ANSCHÃœTZ made over 38 different air rifles. Which one are you asking about?
Model 1907 Anschutz are still being made today.
It was made by Anschutz and imported by Firearms International Company.
If you are asking about the anschutz model 1416 bolt action pistol?These were made from 1987-1997.If you are asking about the anschutz model 1416 custom rifle this was made from 2000-2007.The anschutz model 1416D fiberglass these Mcmillian stocked rifles were imported in 1991 only.If you are asking about the Anschutz 1416D classic these were produced during 2000-2001 only.
No public database. Try contacting Anschutz Customer Service thru their website.
Your winchester model 12 shotgun was 1 of only 1432 made during the year 1975.
Auschwitz alemania 1945.
You will have to contact the company to find out.
A bit obscure- made for Canadian Industries Ltd by Anschutz- a European makerof very good quality firearms. POSSIBLY as Anschutz 310 model.