You can have your period up to 6 month's your period will slow down to just spotting in time.Around 8 months it will stop from time to time you may spot
It makes sense to start just before the removal.
Mirena's useful life is five years. After it's removed, your period will return within four to six weeks, if your periods were regular before. Like the birth control pill, it quickly gets out of your system.
Most Dr's will tell you to wait until you've had 1 normal period.
I am sorry to hear that you are having a bad time with the Mirena. I too had the Mirena and experienced the same issues as yourself over an 8 month period. It turned out that I had several oversized Fibroids and the Mirena did not help with the stemming of heavy bleeding. I had my Mirena removed and subsequently the Fibroids - best thing I ever did. I know they say it can work instantly or may take a couple of months, but it depends on how long you want to continue with things they way they are. Good luck with which ever dicision you make.
It's not recommended. The first cycle after getting the Mirena inserted is the most likely time for the Mirena to be expelled, althouth long-term research has found options like tampons and menstrual cups don't cause expulsion, internal menstrual products mau increase risk of expulsion the first month. It's best to use pads, especially as your flow may be effected by the coil so with a different flow pattern you may risk using too high an absorbency tampon for your flow.
You should be able to safely remove it whenever you want. There are some that last up to 5 years, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you can't remove it for that long. The point of an IUD is that you can have safe, non-permanent contraception for as long as you choose.
it does not have one
40 weeks from the last period.
If you leave Mirena in place after five years, you could get pregnant. Other than that, there are no side effects.
open range period last from the 1860s to 1880s.
I had the mirena inserted Oct 2012, but with that I had the bad luck of an ovarian cyst. I used Yaz for 6 months and the cyst disappeared. It made it's appearance again end of 2013 and the cyst had burst. You can use Yaz together with the mirena but not for long term.
369 yaers!