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it's a way of saying hi to him but showing him you love him as well

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When it feels natural and appropriate.

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Q: When should your boyfriend hug you?
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How should you hug your boyfriend?

Umm everyday. In the morning and when saying goodbye. or just randomly hug him. If you guys just started to date then just walk up to him and hug him. There is not a certain time when you can hug him. when i have a boyfriend i hug him all the time.

How do you get your boyfriend hug you?

Hug him first! go for it

When making out with your boyfriend what should you do other them kiss him?

hug him, and do whatever feels natural after that.

When your making out with your boyfriend what should you do other than hug and kiss him?

feel his abbs! :)

Can i hug my boyfriend on the 2 day i see him.?

This is a delicate situation. In my opinion he is your boyfriend so you should be allowed to hug him. This should not freak him out and it will show your affection in a different way. Show your love and have fun! When your hugging him and you think it is weird, make it funny and you both will laugh. Overall you should be fine and should be able to hug him at anytime you want.

How should you hug your boyfriend after he has given you a present?

well my boyfriend likes me hugging him under his arms and i suggest going in for a kiss

Should you hug your boyfriend?

YESS !!! hug himm. dont bee afraid. But do NOT be pushy and too touchy . but definatley evry now and then hug him and make him know you still aree into him.

How do you make a excuse to hug your boyfriend?

In such a relationship, "just because" should be reason enough.

What do you do when your boyfriend wants to hug you after school?

You just hug him its ok

Should I kiss my boyfriend when I am only 13?

If you like a girl hug for a wile and then make your move.

What should you get your 14 year old boyfriend for christmas 2011?

a kiss, a hug, and a pack of deodarant. simple

Is your boyfriend annoying if he tells you to stand up to give him a hug?

no you should want to give your boyffriend a hug,but if he like pushes you and is presuring you then yes theat is beeing mean