Yes, if a child is in the moms wound they can also get their period depending on some birth defects.
Sunday after your period
It should make your period more regular.
According to certain precepts recorded in Chapter 12 of the book of Leviticus, a woman who had given birth to a male child was to endure a period of 40 days in her purfication. However, a woman who had given birth to a female child was to endure a period of 80 days in her purification According to certain precepts recorded in Chapter 12 of the book of Leviticus, a woman who had given birth to a male child was to endure a period of 40 days in her purfication. However, a woman who had given birth to a female child was to endure a period of 80 days in her purification
occurring chiefly with reference to the child during the act of birth.
Yes, you can take birth control during your period. You should take your birth control as directed regardless of bleeding.
I have had three children and the period after birth lasted around 3 weeks. If you breast feed your baby you will probably not have another period after this one until you stop breast feeding.
Sounds like a problem with your hormones. The production of progeterone and estrogen may have caused some abnormality. You should talk to a doctor.
No. You have to have your period to become pregnant and you have to have a male figure
Yes you should
It could take 6 weeks for you to see a proper period.
Yes, as long as he's the father of the child.