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you should get your child a cell phone at age ten.

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3y ago

It's up to you (if you are the child's parent/guardian). You decide based on the child's maturity, behavior, etc

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Q: When should you get your child a cell phone?
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Should child support pay for cell phone for child?

Child support is paid to meet the needs of a child. If the child needs a cell phone, yes.

When should a child get a cell phone?

I think a child should defiantly have a cell phone by the time they are in secondary school. Ten or Eleven would be a good age...

How old should your child be to get a cell phone?

I think eleven or twelve is a good age for a cell phone.

Should a child have a cell phone?

AnswerNo - My Kids Got A Phone And Immediately Started To Download Porn. Not A Good Idea.AnswerIf you can set clear rules on cell phone usage then a cell phone will allow you to check where your child is and for them to call you if they are in trouble or need assistance.

When should you get your 1st cell phone?

Practically speaking, you should get your own cell phone when you already need it. A cell phone provides important functions that even a child who is as young as 10-year-old child can already own one. Money is not much of a problem nowadays as there are already cell phone providers out there who provide affordable cell phone and calling plans. Some people never get a cell phone. Generally though you can get it when you can pay for it yourself.

When should a chlid get a cell phone?

whenever the parents feel that this child is mature and responible enough to not take advantage of the privilage of having a cell phone

What age should you buy you child a cell phone?

when they are mature enough to take care of one and when they can walk home aloit are a few questions you might want to ask yourself:is the child responsible enough for a cell phone?can you trust the child.

Is there a child-friendly cell phone?

only if your child is at least 11. they should have something relatively cheap (easily replaceable when they break it).

Is 11 a time to give a child a cell phone?

get her a phone but is sheresponsible

How young is too young for a cell phone?

You should give your child a cell phone that can only call Mom & Dad and 911 to prevent them from misusing it, or their friends sending them inappropriate texts or pictures. Most cell phone companies have these special phones to protect your children. In terms of when you should give your child the phone, with the special phone I have discussed above, you could give your child a phone at a very young age, perhaps 3rd grade. I think it kind of depends on the maturity level of the kid. But when i see elementary school kids with cell phones, i think its riduculous. 3rd grade is WAAAYYY too young to give your child a cell phone. I would say maybe 7th grade or when they turn 13. I'd say 6th grade.

At what point or age can a child be given a cell phone?

Any parent (or other family member) may purchase a cell phone for their child, when the child has proven him/herself responsible enough to use it.

Should kids 9 through10 have a facebook?

no facebook is for collage kids if you child doesnt have a cell phone then they shouldn't have a facebook