That depends on two of things: first the size of your baby and secondly your body size. If you are small then you will show around three to four months in and if you are bigger then you might not show until after five months.
impossible, much too soon.
It's different for everyone. Generally you should earlier on with your second (or more) pregnancy. In a first pregnancy, you generally start to show around 4 months, but some people start showing at 12 weeks, others at 6 months
You mean to get periods after the delivery. It may take three to six or more months. But you should beware of the unwanted pregnancy. It is more common than you expect.
Three weeks is very early to start showing. On a slim person, you might see a little bit of a baby bump at 5 weeks at the earliest.
You can show during your third month in pregnancy. You need to gain about five pounds to start showing your belly. Your skin will stretch and this causes it to itch.
The pregnancy itself does not start showing until around 3 months, but many women have constipation and/or gas which bloats the tummy and makes you look bigger.
People start showing signs of pregnancy as early as two to three weeks.
no it takes at least 3 months to start showing
The most common pregnancy symptoms at five weeks are missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, and fatigue.
every women is different and they may not start to show late into there pregnancy, where some women start to show quite early. you must remember that every pregnancy is different and not worry, however if you are worried you should speak to your midwife.
Round about your 8 week in pregnancy you should start to see a change in your size of breast , maybe start craving different foods. The most common one though is morning sickness and breast tenderness . You will also start getting tired all the time , this is normal though. Your body is just working really hard producing things this early in pregnancy and adapting to the symptoms. Dont worry though if you have seen stuff on the internet about the things to expect at 8 weeks. Everybodys different , and experince different things throughout pregnancy. Hope this help's , Kimberley
No. You wont start showing until the second pregnancy. The uterus is still the same size as before.