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I recently started losing weight (half a week ago), not because I'm fat, but because I want to be fit and iv got a slight belly bulge and chubby thighs. I lost 1.3 kg (2.86 pounds/lbs) in half a week. I don't know why I lost that much in such a short time. But I'll tell you what to do. Sorry this is quite long but it helps :)

1. You should only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner,Maybe 1-2 apples too in a day.

2. Cut the chocolate and sweets. If you crave candy eat an orange, it has the vitamin c which you are craving (believe it or not, when you want candy your body actually wants vitamin c).

3. Do about 20 jumping jacks a day.

4. Do 3 sets of 20 sit ups a day.

5. Run or jog (if you can't go outside then just jog on the spot or run inside your house) 10 min every day.

6. Do 3 sets of 10 push ups throughout the day, everyday.

7. EAT YOUR LAST MEAL 4 HOURS BEFORE YOU GO TO BED. In my case, I eat my last meal at 6:30.

Do this and you'll probs lose 2.2 kg (4.85 pounds/lbs) a week. Which makes it 8.8 kg (19.40 pounds/lbs) a month. Wow. That is a lot.

After doing this my belly is nearly flat, which is super as iv only been doing it for about half a week. Then again I'm not fat, my stomach is just a bit bulgy. :) good luck

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Q: When should you eat your last meal to lose belly fat?
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No, no, and no.

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