When a girl should wear a bra is not based on a certain age. She should wear a bra when her breasts start showing.
yeah they can wear but it is better not to wear while sleeping.
a strapless bra
Girls, wear: -bra -strap top on top of that (preferably black)
No! I'm a guy. But seriously, girls at their puberty age should always wear a bra, so that their breasts got a support. Latter on, it will be your choice. Generally girls with small breast often don't wear a bra. Women with bigger breasts, always wear a bra to support their breasts, and because it looks better.
your choice. if you do wear a bra, wear a sports bra
Indian teen girls like to show their front beauty big nowadays; so they wear the bras which make their boobs seem bigger
Well, hello fellow reader :) I am 10 and I wear a girls first bra So do my class mates Normally girls wear crop tops/sports bra at the age of 9-12 You should really wear a first bra from 10-12 And people recommend a real bra at the age of 11- and onwards It depends. My friend tried a real bra. She said they were uncomfortable My other friends tried a first bra. We think they are quite comfortable :) Some can be uncomfortable. If you need them then wear them Some kids wear them at 8 years of age :)